Kelly Golden for Idaho
Legislative District 32, Seat A
It’s Time.
My name is Kelly Golden, and I’m NOT a “professional politician.”

I’m a wife, mom, business owner, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and colleague who has spent the past decade living, working, and raising my family here in Bonneville County.
The community here is amazing. Generous, compassionate, innovative and diverse. I have been privileged to walk with many of you through my work in radio, events, and the non-profit sector, and every person has taught me something along the way. I was raised with an appreciation for the story written in the life of every person, whether you’re a 5th generation rancher, farmer, nuclear engineer, first responder, teacher, student, artist, minister, soldier, or builder, and whether you’ve lived here your whole life or just recently arrived.
Your voice matters.
Your story matters to me, and it should matter to those who make decisions that affect our lives. I can’t promise that we’ll always agree, but I can promise that I will listen and I will represent you and this community to the best of my ability.
I’m a lifelong Republican who stands for the Flag and kneels before God alone. I will fight for Life for the young and old. I believe God created Male and Female in His image, and that the Bible is the ultimate source of Truth and Law.
As citizens of our amazing country, we are accountable for how we steward the inheritance of future generations, whether it is our natural resources, the economy, the security of our country, or the preservation of the principles laid out in our founding documents.
Your voice matters. It’s time to be heard.


I will always defend every person’s Right to Life, from conception until natural death.
Pro-2nd Amendment

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as recognized by the 2nd Amendment, is a fundamental right that must always be protected.
Pro-Free Market

Preserving the Free Market starts with strengthening Property Rights, cutting taxes and regulations, and pushing back against government intrusion in the private sector.
Protecting Children

We live in a world that is preying on the young and threatening their innocence. Those who subvert parent’s authority in order to influence, pervert and use children for their own agendas and pleasure should be prosecuted harshly.
Medical Freedom

Citizens are free to make decisions for their own bodies, not for the bodies of anyone else. Experimental injections and masks are your choice, but should not be mandated by the government or your employer.
Expedited Justice

Our courts are full and real victims wait years for justice. There should be penalties for those who bog down the system and bring frivolous lawsuits or engage in “lawfare.” Penalties for capital crimes should be enforced, and judges who are soft need to retire.
Excellence in Education

Not just “Choice” but excellent options that meet students where their learning strengths are. Arts, Music, Physical Education, Creative Writing, American History, Technical skills — they’re all important, and we need to develop (or re-discover) the best way for the next generation to be well-rounded, THINKING citizens equipped for the world we live in.
Border Security

Even Heaven has walls and gates. We need to secure our country as we would secure our own homes for our families. If someone comes in uninvited, they are perceived as a threat. We are not being inhospitable; we are ensuring that those who come into our home are going to contribute to the peace and well-being of those who live there. Those with other intentions should be stopped.

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